Excerpt from Intergalactic Mind Games – Chapter 9

Hello everyone! hope you enjoy this excerpt from Chapter 9 of Intergalactic Mind Games:

As Team Earth-7 eat their breakfast, none of them notice Goat
standing by the great hall entrance. Goat watches from afar with twisted thoughts and a deceitful smirk.
He then saunters over to Team Earth-7, saying, “I come here in peace.
I don’t know what came over me. Please accept my humble apologies. I
know what I have done is immoral, unethical, and it’s cheating. I can’t
change what I did, but I promise I will stay out of your way going forward.”
Goat looks over at Darm and sympathizes, “I feel terrible for the
position you were put in when you had to face Bundo on that scaffold.
That wasn’t your fight; it was your captain’s, but you were very impressive. Team Earth-7 is very lucky to have you.”
Goat pats Darm on the back, which Darm seems to appreciate.
“Well, I’ll let you all get back to your breakfast,” Goat says before
walking away.
“What was all that about?” Anderson asks as Goat leaves.
“I don’t know, but he sounded pretty sincere to me,” Darm counters.
“It sounded like he was questioning our leadership.”
“Leadership? What leadership?” Ace chimes in from a short distance
away. “I’m the assistant captain, and I don’t want anything to do with any of you. It’s everyone for themselves as far as I’m concerned.”
Anderson pounds his fist on the table and interrupts, “Enough is
enough; we need to band together!”
“Just because they made you captain doesn’t mean I have to listen
to you, dude,” Ace says as he gets up to leave. “Izzy, let’s go before I do
something our captain here will regret.”
A tentative Isabella stands up and walks with Ace to the great hall’s
entrance, where a Soldier of Royalty assigned to escort them back to their cell is stationed.
Darm looks over at Anderson and says, “Way to go, captain.” He then
cautions, “Just stay out of our way . . . leader.” He then, too, gets up and
leaves with Ace, Isabella, and the Soldier of Royalty.
“Pay no attention to them, Anderson,” Billy Bob says. “I don’t gotta
clue what their problem is, but we with ya.”
Anderson nods and gives him a half-smile, but he feels like the weight
of the world is on his shoulders.
“Listen, guys,” Anderson starts to say, “this upcoming challenge,
whatever it is, won’t be easy. You both need to focus and take your
opponents seriously.”
“We know, Anderson,” Billy Bob says. “We understand what ya sayin’
and . . .”
Before Billy Bob can finish his sentence, Team Shelorin-2 enters the
great hall, leaving Billy Bob speechless.

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