Excerpt from Intergalactic Mind Games – Chapter 10

Hello everyone! hope you enjoy this excerpt from Chapter 10 of Intergalactic Mind Games:

Emperor Pryme rises to his feet to address the challengers. “For this
challenge, your fate will be in the hands of another. We have secured
six creatures from the Corpse Jungle, and each of you will select your
champion. The beasts will battle to the death, and the surviving creature will secure victory for their team.”
Several Soldiers of Royalty go into Pryme’s Pit and wheel out six crates
into the stadium, each one holding a different creature from the Corpse Jungle.
The first crate contains a raptor-looking beast called a Haridonyx.
It stands at seven feet tall with a flat round snout, and a sharp spear-like tipped tail. The Haridonyx is brown and has razor-sharp claws.
The second crate contains a Chamuida, an animal resembling a
unicorn. It is yellow with a long bouncy blue mane, two exquisite horns,
four strong legs, and two short, diminutive arms.
The third crate harbours a predator mirroring a tiger. This orange and
black striped killer is called a Dayrylla and is a larger version of a Bengal
tiger with deadly spikes along its back.
The fourth crate contains a flying bird-like species called a Winghwant.
The flying hunter resembles a vulture but is much larger in size with dull red and green feathers. What makes the Winghwant deadly is the highpitched sound it makes to disorient its prey and deem them defenceless. The only way to subdue it would be to have it muzzled.
All that looks to be in the fifth crate is a large grey boulder, but unlike
boulders on Earth, this one is alive. It does not have arms or legs, but it
has a visible eye, mouth with thin lips, and jagged teeth. Its nose and ears are simply holes hidden in its rock formation.
This life form is called a Jakamrock. It cannot run or grab its prey but
can roll over and crush its victims before devouring them.
The last crate contains the creepiest of them all—a giant ten-legged
spider. This alien arachnid is called a Sporachnia, and it stands at a
whopping ten feet tall.
“We select the Haridonyx!” Figerress chooses on Team Shelorin-2’s
“Very well,” Emperor Pryme acknowledges. “Team Earth-7, have you
decided on your champion?”
“Which one?” Elmer whispers to Billy Bob.
Billy Bob, frozen in fear, mutters, “S-s-s-s-spider . . . big . . . huge . . .
creepy . . . crawly . . . spider! I hate spiders!”
“We choose the Sporachnia!” Elmer yells.
“Really? The spider-lookin’ thing?” Billy Bob asks.
“Sure,” Elmer says. “Maybe the Haridonyx is scared of spiders too!”

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